Ôkosuwôkak wuci Mohiks-Piqut Uyôtowáwôk

Bahá'í Prayers in the Mohegan-Pequot Language


Uwisuwôkanuk Manto, ôyawi páhkisut, ôyawi páhkisut.


In the name of God the most pure, the most pure.


Photo of the Mohegan woods

Wedding Vow

Mohci wámi kukuhkihtamumun Manto uwikôtamuwôk.


Verily, we will all abide by the Will of God.



Qutaháwowi Kuqunôhqusuw, O Manto! Pohqasunan wucina matôpáwôk wuci áyhqapi ta wuták nahakunônuk, wáwápi nuhkunôkunônak, wáwápi nuhkunôkunônak, nutunahk, numiyac, aqu nusitunônash ta wami ôkutak wusash yôcánáyak matôpáwôk. Mohci, Ki kuwacônô wámi nánôwiyuw sôhkáyan micimi.

The Báb

Immeasurably exalted art Thou, O Lord! Protect us from what lieth in front of us and behind us, above our heads, on our right, on our left, below our feet and every other side to which we are exposed. Verily, Thy protection over all things is unfailing.

The Báb


Iwásh: Manto wustô tapi cáqansh wámi wáwápi cáqansh wámi qa mucáq ayômi kisuquk qa akiki wipi Manto wástwaunash tapi. Wáyômwáti isuw wahakák Wáhtôk, Kotunihtôk, Mihkikut wuci wami.

The Báb

Say: God sufficieth all things above all things and nothing in the heavens or on the earth but God sufficieth. Verily, He is in Himself, the Knower, the Sustainer, the Omnipotent.

The Báb

The Departed

Kiyawun wámi wucshák Manto, qá yaqi nákum mus kuputukimun.

The Báb

We all come from God, and unto Him will we return.

The Báb

Find Out More

Mohegan-Pequot is a sleeping language now being restored by the tribes. These translations and the photograph were offered as a gift by Stephanie Fielding. To learn more, please visit: